The People .... Who Will Live in Colville Area History
A 1989 centennial celebration book by the Statesman-Examiner, Colville, Washington
Stories of 100 families & individuals who influenced the area’s history. Printed by the Statesman-Examiner, Colville, WA, 1989 ….159 pages with many photos
Includes the following surname: Acorn, Artman, Aspend, Avey, Baird, Bayley, Best, Biddle, Boss, Brauner, Bresnahan, Brown, Buckley, Carey, Carter, Chopot, Dahl, Dashiell, Davenport, Davidson, Draper, Dubois, Dudrey, Durkin, Egger, Engelhardt, Frostad, Friedman, Galbraith, Garvey, Gotham, Gourlay, Graham, Griva, Gray, Harlan, Harrigan, Harvey, Hedrick, Hodde, Hofer, Hofstetter, Holter, Houck, Hughes, Hughson, Hurst, Jenne, Johnson, Keller, King, Kulzer, LaPray, Loew, McDowell, McIntosh, McKern, McMillan, McRae, Manley, Meyers, Mikalson, Monaghan, Montgomery, Moser, Oakshott, Oppenheimer, Painter, Perras, Raftis, Richmond, Rickey, Rosenberg, Salvage, St.Clair, Sax, Schalock, Schmid, Schumaker, Seal, Sherwood, Slagle, Slater, Snyder, Stensgar, Strauss, Thayer, Travis, Vaagen, Waitt, Warren, Winan, White, Workman, Wyncoop, Wynne, and Young.