General Information

 Our Mission 

The Northeast Washington Genealogical Society was organized in September 1981 as a way of sharing genealogical expertise with each other and to assist those living out of our area with research in Stevens, Ferry and Pend Oreille counties.  We currently number about 60 members.   The Society hopes to stimulate and encourage interest in genealogical research; to build a genealogical collection in the Colville Public Library; and to sponsor seminars, workshops and classes for anyone interested in pursuing their family history.  NeWGS helps to preserve local history and records, and keeps its members informed and up-to-date on genealogical news.

Membership in the Northeast Washington Genealogical Society is open to anyone interested in researching their ancestors.  Our fiscal year begins October 1st.  Your dues are currently $20.00 per household.  Membership benefits include a 10% discount on books published by NeWGS and participation in our Surname Research feature of this website (formerly our Surname and Locality Lists). Dues are $20.00 per year per mailing address. We also suggest an additional $1.00 to donate to the NARA fund.* A membership form can be downloaded by clicking on the "Join NeWGS" button at the left (bottom of the list). It will be a pdf file.

*The NARA Fund is administered by the Federation of Genealogical Societies.  For just $1 per year per member, our society can help fund the filming and distribution of difficult-to-access materials housed at the National Archives.  Donations to this fund are  forwarded to FGS once a year as a group donation.  Please consider adding $1.00 to your membership dues.   Please go to for more information about this fund.


Operating Year: October 2024 - September 2025

President: Susan Dechant
Vice President: Barbara McGill
Treasurer: Kathy Ochs
Recording Secretary: Vacant
Corresponding Secretary: Helen Sowards
Member at Large: Mary Ann Schrader
Board of Directors (+Officers)
Librarian: Rette Bidstrup
Evergreen Cemetery: Lora M. Rose
Past President: Karen Struve
Committee Chairs
NGS Delegate: Barbara McGill
Publicity: Geri Cummings
Research: Susan Dechant
Webmaster: Susan Dechant


NeWGS meets the second Wednesday of each month except December in Colville in the meeting room at the Family History Center located in the basement of the LDS church at 260 E. Juniper.  The general meeting takes place at 1:00 p.m. A short business meeting is held first, followed by a class. Classes are presented on all sorts of topics relating to genealogy research and may or may not include the use of a computer. Anyone may attend and there is no charge.

Our board meetings are held the fourth Wednesday of each month except November and December (dates adjusted for Thanksgiving and Christmas).  Current meeting place is Mary Ann Schrader's home in Colville. Any member is welcome to attend. Contact a board member for details if interested in attending.